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Cast Away - 2 Disc Special Edition
Running Time: 178 minutes
Certificate: 12
Region: 2 & 4
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Starring: Tom Hanks
Directed By: Robert Zemeckis
Produced By: Steven Starkey, Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis
Written By: William Broyles.JR.
Movie: 4/5
Special Features: 4/5
A surprisingly good and action packed movie considering it's mainly just Tom hanks on screen for 2 hours.
Discover the unforgettable journey of hope, courage and survival. Tom Hanks gives one of the towering screen performances of all time as Chuck Noland, a FedEx systems engineer whose ruled-by-the-clock existence abruptly ends when a harrowing plane crash leaves him isolated on a remote island. As Chuck struggles to survive, he finds that his own personal journey has only just begun...
bulletCommentary with director Robert Zemeckis and Crew
bulletMaking Of: HBO first look
bulletInterview with Tom Hanks
bulletDocumentary 1: "STOP: Surviving as a Castaway"
bulletDocumentary 2: "Wilson: The life and death of a Hollywood Extra"
bulletOn Location: "The Island"
bulletFocus On Technical Effects
bulletStoryboard-to-Film comparison
bulletConceptual Artwork
There is an Easter Egg on the region 1 release of Cast Away that reveals what was in the unopened FedEx package. Anyone know if the same Easter Egg is in this version, and if so how to access it? E-Mail me at playstation.two@ntlworld.com

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