Pitch Black
Genre: sci-fi Thriller
Running Time: 104 minutes
Certificate: 15
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Starring: Vin Diesel, Radha Mitchell, Cole Hauser and Keith David
Directed By: David Twohy
Produced By: Tom Engelman
Written By: Jim & Ken Wheat
Movie: 5/5
Special Features: 2/5 |
special features, but another one that's worth it for the movie alone. USA
Today calls it "The best excuse to root for the bad guy since Arnold in the
original Terminator". Afraid of the dark? You will be! |
daylight can burn you, but the darkness will kill you. From the mind of
The Fugitive comes the pulse-pounding sci-fi thriller, Pitch Black.
Experience the psychological terror when a group of marooned passengers must
face a pack of terrifying creatures whose only weakness is the light. With
little power and dwindling numbers, the doomed passengers turn to a vicious
convict (Vin Diesel) with an appetite for destruction and eerie eyes that
can guide them through the darkness. It's evil vs. evil in an electrifying
showdown. |
 | Commentary with director David Twohy and actors Vin
Diesel and Cole Hasuser |
 | Commentary with Director, Producer and Visual Effects
Supervisor |
 | DVD Newsletter |
 | Into Pitch Black - Sequel to the motion picture |
 | Production Notes |
 | Cast & Crew |
 | Web Cast/Rave Footage |
 | Trailers |