Aliens, spaceships, guns, death and you'd better
Run Like Hell! |
Publisher: Virgin Interactive
Develop: Digital Mayhem
Players: 1
Release: Winter |
Ever since Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, mankind has
been exploring the depths of space, but why? One reason is to search for
Extra Terrestrial life, in Run Like Hell you get to see what could
happen if we found it... |
The opening sequence is very cinematic and lends ideas from
Aliens. Instead of having an intractable plot and universe to get to
grips with, the game uses obvious influences from the wealth of alien
movies. Making your way through the alien infested spaceship is the name of
the game.
The controls are simple to use, the most useful is the R1 button which locks
onto the nearest enemy. This is extremely important in the dark were seeing
the creatures can be difficult, this features helps you locate the enemies
in the vicinity and allows you blast them to oblivion using your choice of
weapon |
There are a number pf weapons available to use throughout the
game. The first 3 you get to use are the Laser Rifle. This is the default
weapon an is the weakest of the bunch, buts it's better than using your
hands, right? Next up is the shotgun which is stronger but ammo is limited.
The Plasma Rifle is rechargeable and useful on the smaller creatures, but
doesn't do much against the larger ones. |
With seven large chapters promised to be included in the
finished game and strong alien AI this cinematic sci-fi horror is shaping up
to be a winner |